Tomorrow should be the day, but there has been no action yet. We are still at home. Thankfully my parents came last week and we are on babywatch.
I had a dr appt on Friday and we are at 2cm and 60%. I've noticed a decrease in movement so they had me do a non stress test. They put a monitor on me to track the heart beat and track any movement. Thankfully everything turned out fine. They scheduled me for another appt for next week and if Baby J hasn't come then they will schedule to induce.
My parents have been a big help, cleaning, getting rid of stuff to make more room, and fixing up things around the house. Today we met up with my cousin and a took a tour of her college campus. We thought with all the exercise and walking around it would speed things along, but no action yet.
We finally put all the letters up in the nursery above the dresser/changing table. Thank you to all who contributed.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
4 more days...
It won't be long now. Brian and I are still getting over our congestion sore throat mess. I think he is finally getting his energy back. He went back to work today. Yesterday I experienced some abdominal pain almost like menstrual cramps. I hadn't really had any Braxton hicks this whole pregnancy, at least I don't think I have. Thankfully they weren't really painful. Just didn't know what I was experiencing and if we should be concerned. We decided to call the dr office after hours. The nurse told us to come to the hospital to get checked out. I hung up the phone and said, "well they said to come in to the hospital, we both looked at each other and said, wow this might be it. Lets go!!!"
We waited a couple of hours and they checked me out. They put a monitor on my belly to check out the baby's heartbeat and monitor my contractions. They said I was in prelabor. My contractions weren't consistent and I was still at 1cm. So not really any change. They sent us home. They told us when we call the dr. they can't really diagnose over the phone so more than likely when you call they will tell you to come in and get checked out. Oh well. At least we got to have a practice run to the hospital. Maybe next time it will be the real thing. We have another dr. appt in a couple of days.
We waited a couple of hours and they checked me out. They put a monitor on my belly to check out the baby's heartbeat and monitor my contractions. They said I was in prelabor. My contractions weren't consistent and I was still at 1cm. So not really any change. They sent us home. They told us when we call the dr. they can't really diagnose over the phone so more than likely when you call they will tell you to come in and get checked out. Oh well. At least we got to have a practice run to the hospital. Maybe next time it will be the real thing. We have another dr. appt in a couple of days.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Under the weather
We are both under the weather and at 39 weeks!!! Great timing right?
Well this past week Brian was home sick with sore throat, cough, fever, and no energy. I tried to be a good nurse but it was hard almost 39 weeks pregnant.
We had a dr. appointment this past Friday. We are still dilated at 1 cm and 50% effaced. No contractions or much pain really.
On Saturday I started to feel a little sick, sore throat, congestion, and not much energy. We are hoping Baby J won't be ready to come until we are feeling 100% the house is ready and clean and the rest of the thank you notes are written.
He is still really active. My belly has been moving like crazy. So amazing that God created something inside of me. Can't wait to meet him.
Well this past week Brian was home sick with sore throat, cough, fever, and no energy. I tried to be a good nurse but it was hard almost 39 weeks pregnant.
We had a dr. appointment this past Friday. We are still dilated at 1 cm and 50% effaced. No contractions or much pain really.
On Saturday I started to feel a little sick, sore throat, congestion, and not much energy. We are hoping Baby J won't be ready to come until we are feeling 100% the house is ready and clean and the rest of the thank you notes are written.
He is still really active. My belly has been moving like crazy. So amazing that God created something inside of me. Can't wait to meet him.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Baby J is not ready yet
No contractions or pain all week. He still has been very active. I have another doctor's appt today. We will see if I have dilated anymore and have another ultrasound.
Brian has been sick all week (sore throat, no energy, and fever). Praying that he will get better. Maybe God will allow Baby J to come when Brian is all better and I get a few things done at home. Its been a little bit of a blessing that Brian can be home and work on lesson plans for when he does take time off work for the baby, even though he hasn't felt good. Last night I came home after work and he was ready to get out of the house. He said he didn't want me to cook dinner that we could go out. So we got Mexican, maybe that will help Baby J come.
Yesterday was my last day of work. I think I was in denial all week. It was sad to leave my office family behind. But I told them it wasn't goodbye it was see you later. Hard to believe I've been at that job for 8.5 years. They have seen me single, dating, married, and now a mom. I couldn't have asked for a better job. To think 8.5 years ago I wanted to head to Charlotte to work with special needs children, but God kept closing doors and was trying to get my attention to stay in the area. The job just kind of fell in my lap. It was the best thing ever. If I didn't stay in the area who knows how I would have found Brian.
Brian has been sick all week (sore throat, no energy, and fever). Praying that he will get better. Maybe God will allow Baby J to come when Brian is all better and I get a few things done at home. Its been a little bit of a blessing that Brian can be home and work on lesson plans for when he does take time off work for the baby, even though he hasn't felt good. Last night I came home after work and he was ready to get out of the house. He said he didn't want me to cook dinner that we could go out. So we got Mexican, maybe that will help Baby J come.
Yesterday was my last day of work. I think I was in denial all week. It was sad to leave my office family behind. But I told them it wasn't goodbye it was see you later. Hard to believe I've been at that job for 8.5 years. They have seen me single, dating, married, and now a mom. I couldn't have asked for a better job. To think 8.5 years ago I wanted to head to Charlotte to work with special needs children, but God kept closing doors and was trying to get my attention to stay in the area. The job just kind of fell in my lap. It was the best thing ever. If I didn't stay in the area who knows how I would have found Brian.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
15 more days
2 weeks tomorrow!!!!
We can't believe its almost the end of April. This pregnancy has really gone by fast. As of right now I really haven't had any contractions. He's been really active and I've felt a lot of pressure which has made me make several trips to the bathroom. But no action yet.
This week my coworkers threw me a shower. I can't believe I've been with this wonderful staff for 8.5 years. Its been wonderful working with them. They have seen me grow up a lot. I started there soon after college (single), then a ways down the road I met my wonderful hubby and they got to experience me dating, and then getting married, now I'm gonna be a momma. They are like family to me. They really looked after me. I'm going to really miss them. We've decided I am going to be a stay at home mom. I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be able to do that. It'll be an interesting transition. But I'm excited.We can't believe its almost the end of April. This pregnancy has really gone by fast. As of right now I really haven't had any contractions. He's been really active and I've felt a lot of pressure which has made me make several trips to the bathroom. But no action yet.
me and my boss, Lisa
After we had the shower, Brian and I had a date to Village Grill, one of my many favorite restaurants. Thankfully we had a gift card to use (I think it was either a wedding present or Christmas present). We stuffed ourselves there. We had pimento cheese with potato skins for an appetizer. I had grilled chicken pasta with a salad and a sweet tea. Thankfully we brought most of it home and I ate on it for a few days. We thought we should go out just the 2 of us before Baby J decides to enter the world. It was a wonderful date night.
This weekend we were able to get some things done and take it easy, which has been nice. Brian and I got to sleep in. I decided to be a little crafty. Thanks to pinterest I got some ideas to finish up the letters to decorate the nursery. We also went strawberry picking, which has been a tradition of ours since we started dating. This time though Brian picked and I was the spotter.
Here's what the nursery looks like so far. Its still a work in progress.
Rock and Play sleeper where Baby J will sleep in our room
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Anytime now
Enjoyed spending Easter weekend with the inlaws
Tuesday afternoon we had another dr.'s appointment. The doc said we were 1 cm dilated. Wahoo!!!!
So I guess its anytime now. We are 17 days away from the due date. Hopefully he will come before. I am not having any pain really. He is just moving around a lot. Its so weird to watch my belly move and to feel him move.
We will have an ultrasound on April 20. Maybe we will have some action before then.
We are getting excited. I was nesting a little last night. We received a package from Target yesterday. So excited. We were able to set up the swing/bouncer and the pack and play downstairs. The bedding finally got here and the crib is ready. Brian finished building the bedside table to match the nursery furniture. It will be in the guestroom for now and my parents will be able to use it while they stay with us after the baby is born. So thankful that my hubby is so talented.
Now we are just awaiting his arrival. This pregnancy has gone by so fast. Can't believe he will be here soon.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Maternity Pictures and a Busy Week

Almost 3weeks left. I can't believe it. I don't feel ready. But are you ever fully ready to become parents?
The other weekend we went to a nearby place to get our maternity pictures taken. Our photographer did a great job. We are also getting her to do Baby J's "Watch Me Grow" pictures too (newborn, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 1 year) We were so nervous for our photo shoot because they were calling for rain. Thankfully God held the rain off. It rained the morning we had the pictures taken around lunch time and it was overcast and then it rained that night.
Thankful for that window of time outside for pictures.

I think I have him beat

The week after our pictures was busy for us. We are going to try and have a natural birth- no drugs. So we decided to take another class at the hospital called Advance Breathing. It was a really good review from our Birth and Baby class. We practiced breathing and different techniques.
We also went to our first hockey game on Friday night. That was pretty exciting. We sat next to a couple with a 6 week old baby. It was his first game too. His parents had big headphones on him to block out the noise. He looked so cute and pretty content. I don't think I would be taking my child to a game like that so young.
On Saturday we had a CPR class at the hospital and then we had another baby shower with Brian's family and friends from his parent's church.
We got our pack and play and carseat :) I think we are just about set.
Brian's baby blanket made by Grandma Jordan now being passed down to Baby J
Aunt Susan and Aunt Gwen, Scarlett, Victoria, inlaws, and Grandma Jordan at the shower
Sunday we went to church then I went to a friend's baby shower about an hour away. She's having a girl and her friends did a great job with the shower. I'm excited she is having a girl because Baby J will have a playmate, only we will have to drive an hour to see her. At least it will get us out of the house.
me and my preggo friend- Baby Kate is due 2 weeks after Baby J
Monday started Brian's spring break and we had our last class- Breastfeeding. Only 4 husbands were there with their wives. So thankful that Brian is so supportive and wants to be there for everything. While he's been on spring break I had a list of things for him to do.
Tuesday we visited another pediatric office that we seem to like better. Better location and nice facility. I guess we better decide soon. Baby J could come anytime now.
The month of April starts our weekly appointments. So far no change. Baby J doesn't want to come out yet. The doctors say I am measuring great.
This weekend is Easter and I am so thankful for some down time. It seems like we have been so busy lately. We will be finishing up getting things ready for Baby J and spending time with Brian's family on Easter Sunday.
Have a wonderful Easter!!! Enjoy celebrating his death and resurrection.
But He was pierced for our transgressions;
He was crushed for our iniquities;
upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with His wounds we are healed.
~ Isaiah 53:5
He was crushed for our iniquities;
upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with His wounds we are healed.
~ Isaiah 53:5
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