Saturday, November 29, 2014

Family of 4

After my parents left reality sunk in.  We were a family of 4.  So much to balance and take care of with just the 2 of us.  Thankfully Brian had a couple of days off that week.  Then the next week was a partial work week because of Thanksgiving.  Then I was on my own.  We were all pretty tired.

So blessed to have meals brought to our house from our friends, neighbors, and church family. While Brian was off he was able to spend some quality time with Jaxon. Brian took him out to breakfast at country barbeque  and then to his well visit at the doctors office.  They seemed to enjoy their time together.

We also tried to to have some family time.  I was spoiled while Brian was home.  He would let me sleep in and he would get Jaxon up and fed while I took care of Kaelyn.  I didn't know how I would manage that once he went back to work. I was going to have to find fun indoor things to do since it will be too cold outside.  We've actually had some warmer days which I am thankful that it has allowed us to bundle up and go outside to play.  We decided not to travel for Thanksgiving and we just stayed home and Brian's parents came over and we had a small Thanksgiving meal just the 6 of us.

The week after Thanksgiving was my first full week by myself.  It got challenging towards the end of the week.  As long as I plan stuff to do indoors or get out of the house and do something it helps my week.  While Kaelyn naps in the morning Jaxon and I have some time together.  We planned playdates, trips to the children's museum, Walmart, Target, or anywhere to get out of the house.  Jaxon is a typical 2.5 year old.  I thought we had passed the terrible 2's but its just getting started.  I have to pray for patience daily.  It gets hard especially if I'm nursing Kaelyn or I'm trying to calm her down and have to hold her.  Jaxon tries to get his way and thinks he doesn't have to listen when I'm busy.  He is learning though my legs can still move and my hands can still reach his bottom for a spanking.  He is still a sweet boy and we love him.  Its just a daily thing to have to give my day to the Lord to help me get through it.  We look forward to the weekend when daddy gets to be home with us and I have some extra hands.  By Friday we all need a break.  Thankful for friends that we can play with.

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