Well we made it to 32 weeks. Not too much longer to go. So far so good. This pregnancy has been way different than when I was pregnant with Jaxon. This baby is definitely more active. I have felt pretty good other than a few headaches here and there and a little back pain. Jaxon keeps me busy and so I get tired by the time he goes down for a nap after lunch. I've had a few more ultrasounds than normal. My placenta is a little too close to my cervix and it needs to move so that its 2 cm away from my cervix. Otherwise I will have to have a C-Section. At my doctors appointment this week the baby was measuring right on schedule at about 4 pounds and is currently breech. There is still plenty of time for it to turn. Jaxon loves to see the baby and put his hands on my belly. I know he's going to be a great big brother. We still don't know the gender and we have names picked out for both. I would be fine either way. I think it would be fun to have one of each. Of course if we had a boy Jaxon would have to share all his trucks, tractors, and trains and that might be hard. But if it was a boy I know they would be great buddies. If it was a girl I know Jaxon would take good care of her. All we pray for is a healthy baby whether girl or boy.

29 weeks with Jaxon
32 weeks with Jaxon and my preggo friend
30 weeks with Baby #2
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