Pool time with friends
Playdate at our house with Jaxons good friend
Sharing ice cream
The girls and I went to a birthday party and the boys went to the lake. So proud of Jaxon that he loves to read. He even brought some books with him to the lake. He is so proud of his Keys for Kids cinch bag. We've been listening to our devotions at night which the kids love. Keys for kids share the key thought and we write it down. Each month we send in our calendar to show them we've been listening to it and they send a gift.
I've been telling Jaxon sometime this summer he could have his own room. So less than 2 weeks before school started we switched the rooms around. Jaxon was so excited. I wanted to wait until after we got back from vacation to ensure the kids slept and Hadley was contained in a pack n play in a different environment. I wasn't looking forward to it because that meant no more crib ever and the girls were going to have to adjust sleeping together. So thankful we were given this toddler bed for free.
Kaelyn and Jaxon went with Paw Paw and Brian to the cabin to do some work. Kaelyn had never been and enjoyed fishing at the river.
We went on the parkway for the day to escape the heat
Brian took Jaxon and Kaelyn and friends to the cabin to spend the night. Kaelyn loved it but got up several times during the night to go to the bathroom
Hadley and I hung out
Open House at SCA- it'll be an interesting year since most of Jaxon's friends are in a different class but he loves his teacher
the kids have been getting more comfortable in the pool now that the summer is coming to an end.
Brian went back to work and had workdays the week that Jaxon started back to school. It's back to reality. We loved having daddy home for the summer. Brian even got to take Jaxon to school for me 2 days that week that he had workdays.
1st Day as a 2nd grader. So thankful he loves school
Surprised and celebrated my friends birthday. Moms night out.

Labor Day the lake for a family reunion. It was great to be with family and 9 out of 30 cousins came for my kids to play with. Magic Terry entertained everybody with his magic. We all enjoyed a boat ride and swimming in the lake.

The kids have been growing like crazy
Hadley- Middle of August she has taught herself how to go potty and even poop in the potty. So much sooner than our other 2. With Kaelyn and Jaxon we have designated potty training days, but not with Hadley. It kind of just happened. She will tell us she needs to go potty or she will go by herself. Sometimes her cue is "mommy I about peed" She has even mastered going potty in public.
We feel like she has been developing and talking. Can undress and dress herself. If we aren't watching she can be pretty sneaky with getting food or getting naked.
She can get mouthy at times- I told her to obey, She said "no you obey"
She is a dare devil and thinks she can do anything that the big kids can do.
She loves to sing
her new joke
"knock Knock" who's there
"horsey" horsey who?
"horsey neh"
She knows her abcs
and ene mine mo catch a tiger by its toe...
Kaelyn- loves sharing a room with Hadley. We separate them for naptime though. She naps in the attic. They love playing Barbies and babies together. They can aggravate each other though too. Kaelyn is doing so much better at pooping in the potty.
Kaelyn, what are you doing? "We need to go get milk for our babies, we can't feed them from our boobs"
"Dad, you're an expert at putting us to bed"
a few times Kaelyn has fallen asleep in the van when we've traveled
We've pretty much confirmed that she's allergic to eggs too
1st day of preschool. She has 4 other kids in her class including a good friend from church.
Labor Day the lake for a family reunion. It was great to be with family and 9 out of 30 cousins came for my kids to play with. Magic Terry entertained everybody with his magic. We all enjoyed a boat ride and swimming in the lake.
The kids have been growing like crazy
Hadley- Middle of August she has taught herself how to go potty and even poop in the potty. So much sooner than our other 2. With Kaelyn and Jaxon we have designated potty training days, but not with Hadley. It kind of just happened. She will tell us she needs to go potty or she will go by herself. Sometimes her cue is "mommy I about peed" She has even mastered going potty in public.
We feel like she has been developing and talking. Can undress and dress herself. If we aren't watching she can be pretty sneaky with getting food or getting naked.
She can get mouthy at times- I told her to obey, She said "no you obey"
She is a dare devil and thinks she can do anything that the big kids can do.
She loves to sing
her new joke
"knock Knock" who's there
"horsey" horsey who?
"horsey neh"
She knows her abcs
and ene mine mo catch a tiger by its toe...
Kaelyn- loves sharing a room with Hadley. We separate them for naptime though. She naps in the attic. They love playing Barbies and babies together. They can aggravate each other though too. Kaelyn is doing so much better at pooping in the potty.
Kaelyn, what are you doing? "We need to go get milk for our babies, we can't feed them from our boobs"
"Dad, you're an expert at putting us to bed"
a few times Kaelyn has fallen asleep in the van when we've traveled
We've pretty much confirmed that she's allergic to eggs too
1st day of preschool. She has 4 other kids in her class including a good friend from church.
Jaxon- loves school. He has been doing really well in the pool this summer. He still hasn't mastered swimming. He still has meltdowns and whines when he doesn't get his way. He was so excited that he made his first basket in basketball. I love the little notes he writes to me. Jaxon was pretty excited to loose his tooth at my parents. My parents sent Jaxon a gold coin for his tooth. He liked that his package was addressed to Master Jaxon
Jaxon and Kaelyn are still in pullups at night.
I discovered this new place called Reconsidered Goods that recycles trash. They have fun materials for us to make crafts. My friend sara and I made fabric garland.
Science Center and the park after school. The kids love being outside
Ice Cream with friends- bad idea for them to eat Blue ice cream- it turned their poop blue
family bike ride
Dentist appt was a success
Storytime field trip to the fire station
Older 2 kids get to go to the lake with daddy
Kaelyn was so excited in Awana to get her vest, bag, and book
Hadley says she is Hollywood
kids are with the inlaws and we are headed to the movies to enjoy a movie in a recliner because we don't every go to the movies and because we can
went to a few craft fairs kid free and Brian got entered in a beard contest. Of course he trimmed it the day before. At least he still won a gift card
live music at the ohenry
Lunch duty at Jaxon's school
Kaelyn loves going to preschool with her good friend

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