While they were gone I remember to water the garden but didn't do a good job of picking the zucchini. We ended up with several zucchinis that were 5 lbs and a foot long.
Fun with the girls- eating out, bowling, fun with friends
Hadley loved the inflatable water slide at the Y. She is a dare devil. She is not afraid and thinks she can do anything her brother and sister can do.
She continues to learn more words
She pitches a fit when she doesn't get her way.
She loves to play with her babies and to dress them
Jaxon had basketball camp for 4 days. He's had a lot of fun and thankful some school and church friends attended with him.
We've tried to have some one on one time with our kids this summer. Can't believe its half way over.
Fun times at the Y Pool
We had to get Jaxon a new to us bike because his other broke while camping. We thought it was the same size but its slightly bigger. He is still able to ride it though.
The kids get like 2-3 baths a day. They love being outside but its so hot and they get dirty playing. They need a bath before nap and bedtime.
We still make Jaxon take a nap several times a week.
The girls finally get a haircut. I'm trying to grow there bangs out.
The boys go to the cabin to get it ready for Brian and some of the guys to spend a couple of days there for his 40th birthday
We were successful at having friends spend the night only because we separated them and had the siblings sleep together
Jaxon is proud of himself- He can climb the doorway
The kids come into our room on Brians birthday to tell him that he's old.
We surprised Brian on his birthday. His parents met us at church and then we had lunch at home. Blindfolded him and took him out for dinner and then came back to a yard full of people. 40 days prior to his 40th birthday I contacted 40 people to write him a letter of encouragement, what they appreciated about him, and any advice they had for getting older. It was fun and most of the people that wrote him a letter came to the house to surprise him.

We surprised Brian on his birthday. His parents met us at church and then we had lunch at home. Blindfolded him and took him out for dinner and then came back to a yard full of people. 40 days prior to his 40th birthday I contacted 40 people to write him a letter of encouragement, what they appreciated about him, and any advice they had for getting older. It was fun and most of the people that wrote him a letter came to the house to surprise him.
Kaelyn had fun at the lake with Brian
Camp Allelu staff cookout
Mommy/daughter date to see Frozen at the old theater downtown
Jaxon at the lake with Brian
kid free weekend-I finally get to go to the lake with Brian, we escape the heat and go to Boone for the day.
Jaxon has a playdate with his dear friend
the kids enjoy a day at the lake with Brian, Paw Paw and Uncle Eric
Kaelyn was so excited she caught her first fish
Fun time with friends at the Splash Pad
Hadley and I enjoyed some ice cream together. "no share mommy"
Summer library program with "Spin Man"
Girls Weekend with friends- We got some tips on cooking, managing our chaos, hand lettering, and we had some craft time
Brian survived with all 3 kids for the weekend. He had planned on taking all 3 camping but thankfully he changed his plans. He was brave and took them hiking with another dad and his kids, took them out to eat after church, and you tube taught Brian how to braid Kaelyns hair for church Sunday morning.
Jaxon even wrote me a note saying he missed me.
Brian told the kids to pack their bags because the next day we were leaving for a week long trip. They did pretty good.
A week away- traveling to VA then to PA- a fun time with family.
Jaxon lost his first tooth while at my parents, we went to a splash park, visited with friends, played outside, and Hadley is even peeing on the potty. She has pretty much taught herself
The kids enjoyed seeing their cousins and meeting their newest cousin "Sparrow"
the kids loved holding her. The kids got really comfortable in their cousins pool. They loved jumping in.
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