Kaelyn loves being a little mother to Hadley. Potty training is going better. She is learning bible verses at church and loves to practice saying them at home. She knows John 3:16 and Deuteronomy 6:5. Kaelyn said "daddy I want to marry you" but she also said she wants to marry her friend Ava.
Bundled up and roasting marshmellows
Jaxon is doing really well with his reading. I love that he can read to his sisters.
One day Jaxon said he held Avery and Ivey's hand at church. He said I just don't know who I'm going to marry. Its hard. Avery, Ivey, Maggie, Gabby, or Reagan.
A police officer died while on the job. He was the son of friends of Pat and Waynes. Jaxon got to go to the funeral with Brian. Jaxon was so excited to get a police hat from a friend of Pat and Waynes and is looking forward to visiting the police station one day soon.
Hadley's first hair cut just in time for Family pictures the next day.
Our friends took some family pictures for us in Winston at a popular bridge.
Our friends took some family pictures for us in Winston at a popular bridge.
Hadley loves riding the plasma car and is pretty fast on it. She loves being independent and walking by herself. She doesn't really like to be carried. She loves wearing her little back pack. She thinks shes one of the big kids. She loves to sit at the little kids table with Jaxon and Kaelyn. She will bring us books and will say "read" She is a climber. I turned my head for a second and she had climbed up in her seat.
Jaxon gets perfect attendance award for the first quarter. Jaxon has gotten several things at school from the treasure box and brought them home for Kaelyn.

Hadley loves puzzles and making funny faces with me. She also has learned the word "NO"

Hadley loves puzzles and making funny faces with me. She also has learned the word "NO"
Jaxon and Kaelyn love telling knock knock jokes.
Thanksgiving with the inlaws
Kaelyn has been extra affectionate lately. Lots of hugs and kisses.
The weekend of Thanksgiving Jaxon stayed with my inlaws for the weekend and we worked with Kaelyn on the potty. It was a long weekend staying in the kitchen and setting the timer. We painted, read books, Watched stories on the Ipad, made muffins. We had a few accidents but stayed home from church on Sunday and she went 8 times with no accidents. The next step is going to the potty in a public place. She takes forever to go sometimes and sometimes we have to rush to the potty. We are so proud of her, but its been challenging.
After reading and talking about hiding God's word in our hearts- Jaxon said why does it say you should hide God's word in our hearts. Aren't you supposed to share it with other people. I just don't get it.
Conversations in the car with Jaxon on the way home from Awana. Hey Jaxon- lets get home and get a quick shower since its late. Jaxon said, I don't know if I can do that. Well taking a quick shower is just not my thing.
We talked about giving Awana bucks to missionaries. I asked him if he gave any after he had gone to the Awana store. He said no he didn't want to. He wanted to buy toys and stuff. I said you know me an daddy give money to missionaries. He said is that why your bank is so low.
Jaxon loves to play Mario Cart and sometimes I'll play with him. He said one day, "its ok mommy if you aren't very good at Mario Cart. I still love you." or he'll say "mommy this level is too hard for you"
Brian has been getting left over food at school that they have to throw out, mostly milk. So whatever he brings home the kids love to unpack it from the cooler and stick it in the refrigerator.
We went to chick fil a as a reward for Kaelyn doing so well on the potty. We also got Duck Donuts one morning.

Family Night at church
After reading and talking about hiding God's word in our hearts- Jaxon said why does it say you should hide God's word in our hearts. Aren't you supposed to share it with other people. I just don't get it.
Conversations in the car with Jaxon on the way home from Awana. Hey Jaxon- lets get home and get a quick shower since its late. Jaxon said, I don't know if I can do that. Well taking a quick shower is just not my thing.
We talked about giving Awana bucks to missionaries. I asked him if he gave any after he had gone to the Awana store. He said no he didn't want to. He wanted to buy toys and stuff. I said you know me an daddy give money to missionaries. He said is that why your bank is so low.
Jaxon loves to play Mario Cart and sometimes I'll play with him. He said one day, "its ok mommy if you aren't very good at Mario Cart. I still love you." or he'll say "mommy this level is too hard for you"
Brian has been getting left over food at school that they have to throw out, mostly milk. So whatever he brings home the kids love to unpack it from the cooler and stick it in the refrigerator.
We went to chick fil a as a reward for Kaelyn doing so well on the potty. We also got Duck Donuts one morning.
Family Night at church
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