Brian made me a delicious chocolate birthday cake all from scratch.
We got Jaxon a ziggle. He rode it a few times and ended up with a busted lip.
We had been cooped up in the house while the kids were sick. On my birthday we decided to drive on the parkway in the area where we usually get apples. The kids loved riding the little carousel and we had a picnic lunch.
the kids build a fort
the kids helped me make pizzas for dinner
He finally got to go fly his kite with daddy. He was so excited.
Hadley loves to feed her babies and she also loves to read. She can entertain herself pretty well.
Jaxon dressed himself. He's very creative but doesn't do the greatest at matching.
Finally nice outside for us to have a picnic
a new do for Haldey I had to get her hair out of her eyes but wasn't ready to cut it yet
a walk at the park after school
More random pictures
Jaxon got to hold the flag during Awana
My friend Jessica and I out shopping
October- the girls come with me to my eye dr appointment
parent/teacher conference- Jaxon has been doing really well in school. He has stayed on green for the whole month of September. He seems to be making good choices in school. He loves to read and I love to watch him read to his sisters.
Backwards day in Awana
Jaxon is off from school so we head to the library and the pool and picnic at the park
Our fun tradition of making lots of applesauce
Hadley finally starts to talk
dropped the kids off at my inlaws overnight. Brian and I enjoyed a kid free night. They dropped off the kids sunday and then the girls ended up going back to their house for about a week.
We enjoyed spending time with Jaxon. We enjoyed ice cream at Chick Fil A and went on our last run on the jet ski. We also introduced Jaxon to Monopoly.
hurricane michael came through and flooded our backyard. Thankfully we didn't loose power and we were able to see our grass again. Poor Kaelyn has been homesick and wants to come home. My inlaws lost power and there are trees down on either side of their road.

Brian, Jaxon, and Paw Paw go backpacking and the girls stay home. They slept in a barn along their hike. It was pretty cold and it was a tiring weekend backpacking they ended up coming home early.
Jaxon had a good time but Saturday morning it was really cold and all he told Brian was that he wanted to go home and He had a little meltdown. Well the night they got back it didn't take him long to go to sleep and all of a sudden we hear him crying and he's at the bottom of the stairs we couldn't get him to say anything all he was doing was crying. We think he was sleepwalking because then he finally said he wants to go home. The next morning he didn't remember that he had gotten up and was crying about coming home.
We went to a local farm to get a pumpkin and see the animals while the boys were gone. We also went to the local farms market for a photo op. Kaelyn was so excited to paint her pumpkin. She loves to paint.
Chaperoning Jaxon's field trip to Kersey Valley. I drove Jaxon and his friend Maggie. They were so cute in the back seat. Then she came home with us for play date. She said her favorite part of the field trip was hanging out with Jaxon.

We went camping with our small group. We left Hadley with my inlaws. We had a great time in Pilot Mountain. 5 families total with 11 kids. Lots of yummy food and cooking over the fire
The kids all dressed up for Halloween. We let the kids go to a few houses and we went to the big house on the hill up the long driveway. They gave out king size candy bars. We enjoy giving out gospel tracks and candy.
New words
Ma Ma, Da Da, Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Bubbie, Baby, Cracker, Paw Paw, Maw Maw, Mimmie, Pop Pop, Read, Diaper, Pee Pee, more
She loves to tell us more when she wants more food
She likes for us to read to her. She thinks she is one of the big kids, she likes to help dress herself by pulling up her pants
she loves to clean up after a meal and bring us her plate and even her sister and brothers plate
We are still struggling with potty training with Kaelyn.
We got flu shots. I took all 3 kids and myself to the high school nearby. Brian was supposed to meet us there. I didn't prepare Jaxon but I decided once we got there he was going to get his shot too. He melted down and did not want to get it. It was embarrassing. There were people waiting in line. The one lady giving shots was taking forever. Brian wasn't there yet. I had Hadley on my back and Kaelyn in the stroller (because she forgot her shoes at home) I was overwhelmed and wanted to cry. I told Jaxon I wasn't going to get him out of school for this when the girls get there shots. He tried 2x for the lady to give him the shot but he kept moving around. Finally Brian got there and I left with the girls. He bribed him with a frosty and he got his shot.
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