I can't believe Kaelyn is 10 months old.
She still has just 2 teeth and thankfully it hasn't seemed to bother her.
All the nursery workers at church think she will be a gymnast when she gets older because she is so flexible.
She is getting up on her knees and crawling on her knees now. She also loves to clap. She can hold on pretty well. She occasionally will reach for the spoon and feed herself.
She is a happy baby. She still nurses and eats pureed food that I fix for her. Recently she likes to eat her teething crackers. She gets so excited when she sees food.
This is her "I'm tired pose"
She loves to swing and be outside just like her brother.
For part of Labor Day weekend we went to visit my grandmother in SC. She recently had a stroke and we hadn't seen her since January. Kaelyn joined us for a quick overnight trip and Jaxon stayed with my inlaws. We also got to visit with my 2 aunts and my uncle. I'm glad we were able to go.
So excited that my cousins have bought my grandparents old house. We were able to take tour of the house since they have done alot of work on it. It was so fun to walk through it. I also got to eat a scuppernong off my papa's vine.
We went to Philpott Lake for Labor Day with Brians parents. Of course Jaxon enjoyed digging in the dirt. We never go anywhere without some of his trucks, shovel and bucket. It keeps him pretty entertained. We enjoyed riding the jet ski. Jaxon loved it too, especially riding with daddy. We had a picnic lunch. By the end of the day the kiddos were pooped because they didn't get a nap.
I've been loving this cooler weather. Everyday Jaxon ask if we can go for a walk and he loves to ride his big bike on the road. He likes to use his breaks and stop at every house. Then when he's ready to go again he says, on your mark, get set, GO!!!!!
He enjoys riding his bike and racing with Andrew. He also loves fixing his bike when it's broken.
Brian built Jaxon a new sandbox. Its much bigger than his little turtle one. He loves to dig. We got free sand from our neighbor. It was kind of a pain to sift through it to clean it out. We probably should have just bought some. Oh well. Brian had a good workout.
"I'm just kidding"
Coming down the stairs Jaxon says "oh I forgot my lake shoes, I said, its OK, he said no they don't belong upstairs, they belong downstairs"
"I can have this, if I want"
"Are we using daddy's truck? Oh he forgot to put the box up. Maybe he'll do it tomorrow"
We showed up at the library, (the one we hadn't been to a long time), Jaxon says "oh mommy whats this, I said its the library, he said "I haven't been here in a long day"
"Why is daddy taking your car and not his truck?" I said because your car seat is in the truck. "Oh"
Jaxon is on his bike and he passes me and Kaelyn, He says "Excuse me ladies"
Jaxon saw a picture of just me and Brian, he says " where's Jaxon? maybe I'm in mommy's tummy"
He also uses the word maybe.
"Thats interesting"
He also calls us by our first name
Jaxon also has his meltdowns over every little thing, especially if something isn't put pack right where he likes it and he notices everything. But one thing that helps is distraction. We have also been working with him on talking respectfully to us and not having his way all the time. I feel like at times we are raising a teenager.
We love going to the children's museum. On the day we went they had "Grow Up Great" at the museum. Several interactive things and Jaxon got to dress up. He chose to be a Fireman. He got his picture made and they gave it to us to take home.
We decided to meet friends at the park. Then when they left Jaxon wanted to explore. We about got lost. I probably should never go alone with the kids in the woods for a walk. We might not be able to find our way back.
I attended a bridal shower for my dear friend Kristen. Can't wait to be there when she says "I do"
We got all dressed up for church. Had to get a picture while my guys matched.
Jaxon loves to feed Kaelyn
He loves building with his Legos. We built this house together. I was pretty impressed with our house.
I got some legos for him that make different kinds of trucks at a yard sale. He absolutely loves it. Pastor Lynn decided he would join in on the fun.
Jaxon is tall enough to get water by himself when he is thirsty. I can't believe how fast he is growing.
Jaxon loves to play with Kaelyn "in her area". When he wants me to play with him, he says, "mommy put her in her area. Its a corner of the room thats blocked off with the ottoman and loveseat so she can play. If she is exploring and crawling in the room near his toys, he's quick to pick them up and put them away so she can't play with them. So note to self- when I need him to pick up his toys just put Kaelyn near them and he will quickly pick them up.
Bible story time with daddy at bedtime
We've had alot of rain towards the end of September and Jaxon wakes up every morning wanting to go outside. Thankful for rain boots and a rain jacket so he can jump in the puddles.
Well there is a random recap of September......
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