Thursday, February 26, 2015

February Fun

We made some special Valentines for the grandparents, great grandmas, and for our special friend, Janel, who has cancer.

We went with our Life Community class from church to deliver Valentine cards that the kids made.

We took advantage of some of the warmer weather to get outside.  Jaxon loves to ride in the bike trailer and play with his friends.

Jaxon is doing pretty good with potty training.  Here is a sticker he gets to wear at church "potty training in progress"  He has been wearing his undies when we are out of the house now.  He still hasn't mastered going "number 2"  He usually goes in his pull up right after he gets in bed for naptime or he will go in his undies.  So proud of him.

On Valentines weekend Jaxon went to stay at Brian's parents house.  Kaelyn joined us for our dinner date Friday night.  We stayed in Saturday night and cooked dinner.  We played a game and tried to be more intentional since we pretty much had time to our ourselves.  Thankfully Kaelyn was low maintenance that weekend and we enjoyed being together. Then we got to go pick up Jaxon and visit with Brian's parents and Aunt Sue Sue.

Paw Paw and his little girl

Aunt Sue Sue

I've tried to find fun things to do inside thanks to pinterest.  I made some bath paint and made a ballon rocket.  He loves playing with his hot wheels and his kinetic sand.  We also made cookies. We were pretty proud of our track.  The cars made 10 laps around the track.

Pinterest craft for all of Kaelyn's headbands

We have enjoyed the snow.  If it snows and schools are out that means daddy gets to be home. The boys got out to enjoy sledding with friends.  Jaxon didn't seem to enjoy sledding by himself.  He would rather get on the sled with daddy.  We have some great sledding hills at our house.  Our driveway and on the side of our house.  Since we didn't shovel our driveway it was a sheet of ice making it hard for me to drive my car up the driveway.  I had to quickly put my brakes on and wait for Brian to come rescue me when my car started to slide down the driveway. They had early release on a Monday February 23, because of weather and then the kids didn't go to school for the rest of the week.

Just like her brother

My baby doll

I like my new hat

He loves his little sister

What a hard life

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