Sunday, January 4, 2015

2 months

Can't believe Kaelyn is 2 months old already.  She is smiling and cooing.  We've had some problems with her spitting up alot between feedings but I think its getting better.  I've had to be careful and not feed her too much.  She got her 2 month shots.  The doctor said she is growing like she's supposed to and she looks perfect. She still sleeps great at night.  During the day she naps pretty good too.  Jaxon loves to pat Kaelyn on the head or back and tell her "its ok baby sister/sweet pea" if she is crying.  Jaxon likes to talk to her and read her stories.  He has even sung to her. At the doctors office they have you fill out a growth and development worksheet so they know how she has developed so far.  Some of the things I had no idea if she could do or not (ie like hold a toy) They should give us this homework in advance otherwise I might fail.

weight 11lbs 2oz
height 22.5 inches
head 39cm

She has enjoyed her bathtime.

Jaxon and Kaelyn's cousin Cooper was born on December 27.

Big Sister Maddie Grace

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