Friday, March 22, 2013

He is into everything

I can't believe how fast Jaxon has been growing and trying new things.  He is 10 months now.

He likes to eat or mainly play with maccaroni noodles.  I think he likes the way it feels.  I have been trying to add olive oil to his food to fatten him up.  He is still not gaining weight.  On March 14, we weighed him at the doctors and he was 17lbs 12oz, which means he dropped in weight.  He can still wear 9 month clothes and some 12 month.  I think its because he has become real active lately and our doctors don't think he's getting enough milk.  My mom's doctor friends have said by this age he is going to become less interested in nursing and more interested in food and is going to be very active.  They think he is fine and said not to worry about his weight.  Its hard to know what to do, but I do know he looks like a happy and healthy baby to me.

Some new foods he has tried-black beans, brown rice, ground beef, non pureed sweet potatoes and peas.  He is a real good eater.

He has been very active- he crawls and pulls himself up and gets into everything.  We have to constantly watch him.  He loves power cords.

He has been practicing walking with his walker that he got from his cousins for Christmas.

He loves being outside riding in his wagon or in the bike trailer that daddy pulls him along in.
Jaxon and his buddy Parker
He loves to ride in the bike trailer that attaches to Brian's bike  
He loves to stand up and look out the window.  I think he is watching for his daddy to get home.

His friend, Parker turns 1
He went to his first birthday party. 
at the party with some of my mommy friends and their babies

He is starting to make more sounds and is doing alot of baby talk/babble.

On March 15, I started to give him some formula to help him with his weight issue, which I didn't want to do.  But anything to fatten him up a little and to make sure he's getting enough nutrients.  He won't take a bottle anything, everything is in the sippy cup.

Visiting with Great Grandma in the nursing home.  All the old folks loved him. He talked to everybody

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