Jaxon's behavior has been pretty good this year. I received an email saying he spit water in another boys face. We got a different story from Jaxon. He had a hard time remembering what happened. I do know that when he gets in trouble he's afraid to tell us. His stomach was hurting that day because I think he was so worried about telling us about getting trouble.
crazy hair day at Awana. Ive enjoyed helping to lead a kindergarten group at Awana. Kaelyn can't wait to go to cubbies next year.
Science Center while daddy had to work on a Saturday. We decided to explore the animals outside. It was more manageable than doing the inside with all 3.
Hadley loves blueberries and being outside.
Hadley loves to play with bubbie's guns.
Jaxon wrote a note to his teacher during teacher appreciation week
this is my life- dirty dishes all the time. But thankful to have food to eat, mouths to feed, and dishes to eat off of
pretty flowers Jaxon picked out for his teacher
lots of water at our house
my cousin's wedding in Charlotte and a kid free weekend while the kids are at my inlaws
Spring break is dino- mite at Jaxon's school
blowing bubbles with her best friend Ava
Easter Sunday at the inlaws church and our friends joined us for lunch at my inlaws house

the kids had fun with the Easter Egg Hunt
the kids had fun with the Easter Egg Hunt
Camping with friends, we decided to leave Hadley with my inlaws. It was more manageable that way. Hadley had fun. We went to Stone Mountain. We hiked 5 miles, fished, ate good food (grits, eggs, and bacon, pancakes, foil packs, hot dogs, smores, even had coffee, pizza, and peach cobbler)
getting our garden ready. Jaxon was excited to help and even made a sign.
Hadley is a daredevil and loves to jump in the water at the Y pool. She even jumped in and went under and wasn't scared.
We have been talking to Jaxon on how to be polite
He said, Mommy I liked your dinner tonight, and then he said, now thats the way to respect a lady.
Brian has been great to bathe the girls at night while I clean up from dinner or do laundry to give me a break. He was putting up Kaelyn's hair for a bath since we weren't washing it and he said Kaelyn you have a lot of hair, where did you get all this hair? Kaelyn said, Ummmm God
Hadley loves to pray in the car, at the table, or at bed time. Her prayer "Dear God thank you Amen"
Kaelyn said, "mommy when I grow up I'm going to change Hadley's poopy and pee pee diapers for you"
"Read this to me"
"No its not"
"poopy diaper change me"
She loves clearing the table
We've been popping her hand when she doesn't listen. She can be Miss Independent and can get defiant at times.
She seems to understand alot. She can count.
She seems to be a little more advanced at this stage than the other kids were. I think she is really paying attention to Kaelyn and Jaxon and learning from them.
Random pictures
At the park with friends looking at turtles
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