Monday, April 3, 2017

3 months

We met Jason, Anne, Rivers and Payson in Snowshoe, WVA so the boys could go skiing.  We went for a long weekend Friday- Monday. Anne and I hung out with the babies.  This was the first time we had met Payson.  We left Kaelyn with Brian's parents.  I hated that she couldn't join us but it made things a little easier while we were there.  We had a lot of fun and Jaxon enjoyed being around his cousins.  We even enjoyed the outdoor pool.
Jaxon got car sick on Monday on our way back home.  So that was no fun.

Tuesday morning Brian woke up with the flu.  It was challenging to take care of everybody.  I'm not a very good nurse when the hubby gets sick.  Mama doesn't get any sick days.
Thursday morning Jaxon woke up with a fever. I quarantined them to our room. Jaxon loved it because he got to camp out on the floor watching Amazon prime all day with daddy.  Kaelyn was contained in her crib.  Hadley stayed upstairs in the attic with me.  I kept her up in the attic during the day too.  Poor thing.  This is the 2nd time she's had to stay away from everybody.  After she was born Kaelyn and Jaxon had the croup.
Our wonderful neighbor Lisa brought us dinner and chocolate for me. Others offered to help.  I'm so thankful for our friends.  It takes a village.

The kids found backpacks at REI

They love playing in the rain puddles

Kaelyn loves holding baby Hattie.  She always wants to know where she is

We went on a field trip to Homeland Creamery with our MOPS group.  We got to see the cows, go on a hayride, learn how to milk a cow and got free ice cream.  The kids loved it.

It was super hero day at school.

They love playing dressup

My mom and dad came to visit and help out while brian went on the mens retreat

Jaxon has learned how to do the jumping jacks.  He continues to poop in the potty.  He is still napping in the afternoon at the same time as the girls.  Thank the Lord.  He takes good care of his sisters and they play well together.  He loves to be a tattle tell.

Playing outside on these nice days

Having fun in the hammock

blowing bubbles and playing with our new basketball hoop (from our wonderful neighbors)

Jaxon has been taking some free tae kwon do classes and has enjoyed it.

The rides were open at burlington city park and we stayed and had a picnic.

Kaelyn got some new undies and she decided to try them all on at the same time

Doing some yard work and helping daddy outside

3 months old- she loves to smile and coo and talk to you. She continues to roll over and loves to move off her activity mat.

We went to Ben and Jerrys for free cone day

Saturday morning breakfast with daddy

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