A few years ago we went to a drive thru nativity in Thomasville and really enjoyed it. Its supposed to be the largest in North Carolina. We went again this year and got the kids ready for bed and in their PJs. They were giving out hot cocoa. So we decided to partake but didn't brought cookies for the kids. We thought we would have a mess if they drank it. They enjoyed the cookies.
Happy Anniversary to us- going on 9 years. Brian made me breakfast and got me pink roses. We had planned on going to the Trans Siberian orchestra that weekend but we got about 12 inches of snow. Thankfully it got rescheduled.
Jaxon had to dress up for Awana. He loved the hat I found for him at the dollar store

We were at the store and I was distracted talking to somebody and then I turn towards Hadley and she decided to open the package with her teeth. My kids are hungry all the time.
We were at the store and I was distracted talking to somebody and then I turn towards Hadley and she decided to open the package with her teeth. My kids are hungry all the time.
The girls loved looking at the nativity at Hobby Lobby.
Brian loves our new vacuum. I had to document.
So thankful I got to take Jaxon to the Nutcracker with his class at school.
$1 pancakes and a visit with Santa. This was the first time the kids have gone to see Santa. I realize we may be weird and different. We actually know alot of people that don't do Santa. For our family we decided we would rather put the focus on Jesus. We love seeing our kids get excited about celebrating the birth of Jesus. We realize they will learn about Santa from school or friends. We just never sat down with our kids to educate them on Santa. Jaxon has figured it out. Although he has asked us and rather than telling him the truth, we say, well what do you think? Kaelyn says she loves Santa. When we went to visit Santa she sat on his lap and told him she wanted an umbrella for Christmas. I'm not sure how she knew to do that.
Hadley loves to point out people in pictures. She knows who Elsa is now. We are in trouble.
So thankful Brian could be home with our foot of snow. He took the kids outside and went sledding. They all loved it. Not sure if Hadley knew what to think. Brian was out of school all week. Because I drive Jaxon to school he went back Friday.
We felt like we were running a day care one day during the snow storm. We had 3 extra kids over to play in the snow. It was fine thought because the kids enjoyed playing together and Brian was home.
Our wonderful friends took our Christmas pictures for us so we had them over for sushi.
Mimmie and Pop Pop came for a long weekend to celebrate the girls birthday. We had friends and family over for Pancakes and Pjs. 7 families, 2 sets of grandparents, 2 aunts. 34 people and 17 kids.
We had pancakes, bacon, yogurt, fruit and other toppings for the pancakes. My mom got fun cookies to hand out as favors. We borrowed some kid size tables and chairs for the kids to sit at which worked out great. We had to hide some stuff in our garage and bedroom to make a little more room.
We went out to eat at a yummy BBQ place in Winston that had some cool games. The kids were entertained while we waited for our food.
Sunday at church Jaxon was in his first Christmas program. The older kids put on a Christmas play and the younger kids sang.
Then on Sunday night we had our small group over for a Christmas party. Pretty easy when the house is already clean and clutter free and we don't have to go anywhere. We love hosting anyways. We love doing life with our small group- 6 great families. 14 kids and 6 couples.

Then on Sunday night we had our small group over for a Christmas party. Pretty easy when the house is already clean and clutter free and we don't have to go anywhere. We love hosting anyways. We love doing life with our small group- 6 great families. 14 kids and 6 couples.
We have 2 nativity sets. The kids love playing with them. Its hard to keep the pieces inside because Hadley is always carrying them around with her. Somehow we lost both baby Jesus' We finally found both. One ended up being in the Uno Moo container hanging out with all the animals.
Making cookies at Ava's house. It didn't last long because Hadley made a mess.
Jaxon had a Winter party at his school and I was able to go help. I had the privilege of helping to paint the kids feet for their snowman craft.
Polar Express day and the last day of school for break. Jaxon's principal even dressed up and was the DJ and had music playing as the kids got to school and even at the end of the day.
Daddy tries to give Jaxon a haircut
traveling to see Mimmie and Pop Pop over Christmas. We had a great visit and did some fun things.
We saw tacky lights, decorated a gingerbread house, made cookies, went to the Christmas Eve service at my parents, saw family in maryland on Christmas day, and visited with friends.
Christmas Eve service and visiting with family in Maryland was challenging. It wasn't very kid friendly and it was hard to focus and enjoy the service and visit with family.

We made a Happy Birthday Jesus cake and the kids helped me decorate it. On Christmas Day we read the Christmas story and had breakfast then we opened presents. We don't really celebrate Santa. Although the kids know who sort of is. It think Jaxon is still unsure if he is real or not. Somehow Kaelyn is excited about Santa. But I love how the kids are excited to celebrate what Christmas is all about.
They got some fun things for Christmas- laser tag gun, boogie board (writing board that erases- they enjoyed having that in the car ride home), Jaxon got new hiking poles, daddy got a nerf gun so he can play with Jaxon, Kaelyn's favorite is her very own frozen umbrella with matching rain coat. Jaxon also the game guess who- superhero themed. Kaelyn got her own sleeping bag.

Visiting High school friends in Nova
We made a Happy Birthday Jesus cake and the kids helped me decorate it. On Christmas Day we read the Christmas story and had breakfast then we opened presents. We don't really celebrate Santa. Although the kids know who sort of is. It think Jaxon is still unsure if he is real or not. Somehow Kaelyn is excited about Santa. But I love how the kids are excited to celebrate what Christmas is all about.
They got some fun things for Christmas- laser tag gun, boogie board (writing board that erases- they enjoyed having that in the car ride home), Jaxon got new hiking poles, daddy got a nerf gun so he can play with Jaxon, Kaelyn's favorite is her very own frozen umbrella with matching rain coat. Jaxon also the game guess who- superhero themed. Kaelyn got her own sleeping bag.
Visiting High school friends in Nova
It usually takes longer to get home when we go on road trips. We stopped in Harrisonburg at a pizza and arcade place. The kids loved it. It split up the trip and didn't seem to take us as long.
We finally finished up making our stocking holders just in time to put away all of our Christmas decorations.
We decided to purchase an instant pot. I think Brian has used it more than me. We love it. We've already tried out some new recipes.
We tried out Jaxons new laser tag guns at the park. The perfect place, outdoors, with lots of room to run.
Since a family picture didn't happen on Christmas Eve at my parents church because our kids were melting down and the next service needed to start we took it on December 30 at our church. We are just pretending it took place on Christmas Eve and my parents were included in the picture. oh well. This is real life.
We celebrated Hadley's 2nd birthday at home with a cookie pizza and a nap, while I went with Jaxon to a friends birthday party.
So sweet of Jaxon to buy me a glass vase with his Awana money. We forgot to open it on Christmas.
Low key New Years Eve with my inlaws. We exchanged Christmas presents.
Random pictures