My parents came to visit for a few days. We went out to dinner the day after his birthday.We went to Darryl's. He got a yummy smores and bowl of ice cream. He enjoyed the smores while Sweet Pea loved the ice cream.
I was more excited about Jaxon's birthday party than I think he was at first. We talked about it more and then he couldn't stop talking about it. I had planned on having his party at the fire station- Fireman Sam (one of his favorite cartoons to watch) themed birthday and then cupcakes and snacks at a nearby park. He hasn't quite grasp the concept of time yet, so he kept asking about when we were going to the fire station. Also since we celebrated his birthday several times he kept wondering how old he was going to be at his birthday party.
We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was a gorgeous day. We had about 13 families that came to his party. Brian's parents came too which was great because they were an extra set of hands and could keep an eye on Kaelyn. We had everybody meet at the fire station for a special tour. The kids got to climb up in the truck, try on the gear, watch the ladder on the truck extend and go up really high, and turn on the hose. Brian told me later he wasn't sure how things were going to go, but he and some of the dads had just as much fun as the kids. We stayed there an hour. Kaelyn's teacher at BSF helped me out with organizing the tour. Her husband is a firefighter.
After the tour we went to one of our favorite parks. One that is fenced in and we lucked out, we had the place to ourselves, which also meant we could use the shelter that was inside the playground area. The families seem to have a great time. I had simple snacks (red, yellow, orange colored)- pigs n a blanket, carrots and hummus, grapes, cheese balls, pretzel rods dipped in white chocolate and red sprinkles (looked like matches), and cupcakes that I made (yellow, orange, and red icing). It was so much easier to have it somewhere other than at the house. It was pretty inexpensive too. The fire station wouldn't take a donation but they did enjoy the cookies that Jaxon and I made for them. We also were able to get some fire hats for his friends from a different fire station. The fire station we went to gave the kids a coloring book, sticker, and a pencil. So thankful that our friends and family could help us celebrate Jaxon. Can't believe our baby is 4.

He loves to give hugs and kisses to his sweet every morning when she wakes up
He's a really good eater.
He is a very healthy 4 year old
At his 4 year old check up
His weight- 32 lbs
His height- 3 ft 2.75 inches
He got 2 shots and is all ready for preschool in the fall
He wears 2T-3T clothes depending on the brand
We are still having problems getting him to poop in the potty
He is getting better at playing some of his board games but will still make up his own rules
He is getting better at swinging in his swing all by himself
He can recognize his numbers
He loves to dress himself
He loves watching Fireman Sam and the Auto B Good series from our church library- a whole series about cars with lessons on character
"Mommy I'll make you a deal"
"This is ridiculous"
I was slowing down on a road to see where all the smoke was coming from on the side of the road, (I did check around me to see cars pretty far behind me), Jaxon says "mommy don't stop in the middle of the road." I said you are right buddy I probably shouldn't have done that. "mommy because a car might hit ya"
"Mommy I'm hungry and when we get home I don't want anything messy like cheese puffs I just want crackers and thats it"
I love it even at 4 he's already asking questions and where Jesus is and about heaven.
He loves to build things with his legos
He loves to use his imagination and loves to play super hero
He's really good on his balance bike. His bike has been in time out when he doesn't behave
He is not napping a few days out of the week. It doesn't seem to matter if we stay busy and I think I've worn him out or not. In the morning and even after naptime when he's done sleeping and is ready to get up I can usually find him waiting at the gate at the top of the stairs for us.
I can't believe he's already at the age where he's learned to make a gun with his hands/fingers or anything he can find and make a shooting noise. He's even taught his sister how to do it.
His new favorite song to sing at bedtime is "I'm in the Lord's army" and he loves to do the motions.
During quiet time/naptime the other day he told me he was finished playing in his room and that he wanted to come downstairs to play. I told him he needed to stay in his room a little longer. The next thing I knew he was asleep with his head on the couch and the rest of his body on the floor. I knew for certain if he happened to move it would wake him up and quiet time/naptime would be over. But he stayed in that position for like over 20 minutes then he got on the floor and slept some more.
He loves going to his swim lessons and Kaelyn loves to watch him
He loves to help me out at the grocery store.