In February Kaelyn had her 15 month well visit. She is still not walking. The doctor wants her evaluated even though she's not really worried about her development its a free program and it wouldn't hurt to get some pointers.
She weighs 19lbs. That was her weight 3 months ago at her last appointment, but she hasn't gained any weight because she's so active.
Jaxon had to come with me to the appointment and he did so well I treated him to Chick Fil a for lunch and time to play in the play area.
She loves to feed herself with a fork and spoon and is so proud of herself. She's pretty serious about her food and most of the time she's quiet when she's eating and will clean her plate. She loves to join in and pray with us at meal time and at bedtime. She's quiet and doesn't eat her food and she folds her hands.
Jaxon has been a good role model and I can tell she watches him.
She is trying to stand up on her own but if we are on the floor with her she will use our legs to push herself up, sometimes to walks/crawls on all fours
She loves to take a bath with big brother and he wants her included in our bedtime routine (bible story, song, and prayers)- Jaxon leads us in the singing of Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the little children, The BIBLE. We have to try to start bedtime routine earlier or else she is all over the place and can't sit still.
She still wears some 12 month clothes but she can wear some 18 month clothes too now that its getting warmer. For the most part she will keep her shoes on.
Kaelyn loves to ride on Jaxon's tricycle and they love to play on the driveway. She can also get around pretty good by herself on his dump truck.
She has been having some separation anxiety when I drop her off at places and she'll cry. But as soon as she sees her toys and friends and she can't see me, she is fine. Thankfully it doesn't last long.
Kaelyn is getting more teeth 4 on top with 2 more coming in, 2 on bottom with 2 more coming in
She's had a hard time going to sleep at night I think its because of her teeth. She cries a few times in the middle of the night.
Jaxon still hasn't mastered pooping in the potty. He still does it in his undies or diaper (during naptime/bedtime) However, after he got over the stomach bug he pooped in the potty 2x in one day. We were so proud of him. Thankfully we were at home so I didn't have far to go to rush him into the bathroom before we had an accident. We decided to go out to eat to celebrate. He wanted to go to McDonalds, a place I would rather not go. I think he likes to play in the play area more than he likes the food. He also said he wanted a hot dog and mac and cheese. We settled on a new restaurant in Winston. He did get his mac and cheese. We also went to the pet store. He's been wanting to get a new fish. So that was his treat.
I'm waiting for a growth spurt for Jaxon. He's so skinny that his pants tend to be really loose on him. Depending on the brand and style of the clothes he can still wear some 24 months pants but then 2T or 3T shirts.
He has started leading us in prayer time at dinner. He will end his prayer with "thank you Jesus Amen" or he'll pray for him and Kaelyn and usually doesn't wait for us to sit down. Or he will say,
"God is great, God is good and many blessings Amen"
We have started to correct him when he says "whatever" because he says it in a disrespectful manner. He doesn't say it anymore, but he catches us when we say it. Of course he doesn't understand that its in a different that we say it. He says "I'll have to give you a pop"
We've also had a hard time getting Jaxon to listen. When Kaelyn was sick and woke up a couple times during the night, I didn't get much sleep. The next day I had a challenging day with Jaxon. I became very impatient and irritable.
For some reason Jaxon loves using "potty words" Maybe its him being silly and being a boy but we are working with him on that too.
We had a great Valentines weekend. First we dropped off the kids at Jaxon's new preschool from 6-9 9pm for a parent night out. We registered him for the fall but they still invited us to join in. Brian and I went out to dinner and ice cream. It was nice to have some time to our ourself. The kids had a great time and Jaxon keeps asking about preschool and about going back.
Saturday morning our Life Community got together and passed out Valentine cards at the nursing home and sang "Jesus Loves Me" to the residents. We had a great time and it seemed to brighten up their day.
Saturday afternoon Valentines weekend we took Jaxon to the circus. Before we left, Brian and Jaxon had to go run some errands and I stayed home with Kaelyn. When they returned I was on the phone with my aunt and Brian shows up with a dozen roses. How sweet right? Well we were repeating what had happened in 2009 when he took me out on our first date. We were going to the circus and he shows up to pick me up. I'm on the phone with my grandparents and I open the door and there he is with a bouquet of flowers and I'm on the phone, only this time I'm sure he's standing there really nervous and its a very awkward moment. How does this happen 2 times on Valentines weekend right before we were to leave for the circus.
We left Kaelyn at home napping and had a babysitter stay with her. She pretty much napped the whole time we were gone. So the babysitter had a pretty easy job. I didn't know how long Jaxon would last at the circus and if it would be too loud. But he loved it and was so intrigued by everything. We went for the preshow to see the animals. He's told us several times that he wants to go back to the circus.
Brian finally got the ATV working again and took Jaxon for a ride outside around the house. He loved it.
After we got over the stomach bug the kids got a little congested then Kaelyn got a fever and I noticed a rash on the tops of her feet and hands. I assume it was eczema since we've had issues with that before. I decide to take her to the doctor and right away she says hand, foot, and mouth. I'm like "what?" How does this happen? We've never had to deal with this before. She was so pitiful. She wasn't her perky self and wasn't eating like normal. The doctor said she saw ulcers in her mouth. I took her on a Tuesday. I was supposed to leave that Thursday with the kids to go to my parents for a long weekend while Brian was away. Thankfully the doctor said she was at the tail end of it. She said we would be fine to travel. I was a bit nervous after our doctors visit. Jaxon is constantly putting his hands in his mouth after touching everything. He had been at my inlaws that weekend, so I was hoping he wouldn't catch it. I did not want to have to stay home and not go see my parents. Its been a yearly thing to go visit while Brian is on the men's retreat. I do not want to stay home by myself, I could use the extra hands, and its an opportunity for my parents to spend more time with the kids. I don't mind the 5-6 hour drive. We found a playground at one of the rest stops. Jaxon doesn't miss a playground when he sees one outside.
The first weekend in March we left for our long weekend at Mimmie and Pop Pop's house because Brian was going on a mens retreat with the church. The drive there was a bit of a challenge. Jaxon talked the whole time. Kaelyn slept for like 45 minutes. Jaxon did not take a nap. I did not get much extra sleep at their house because he's been waking up at 6:30 and its not even day light savings time. Jaxon ended up getting hand foot and mouth while we are there. Thankfully my mom is a nurse and diagnosed him. We had a great time. Pop Pop took us to a new park and Jaxon got a new haircut at the military base. He came back to the house saying, "I look mighty dapper." Jaxon found my old barbies and wanted to play with the girls, Jaxon loved pushing Kaelyn in the stroller on our walks outside, and he loved seeing Elmo at their house. Kaelyn loved having tea parties. My friend from high school had a new baby and I was able to visit with her. Jaxon loved finding some of my old toys and playing with them.
Jaxon said, "I miss my daddy" I said, I miss daddy too. Jaxon said, "No, he's my daddy"
Thankfully on the way back home they both slept and gave me like an hour of peace and quiet.
Our last night together
Picnic at the rest stop
Its been beautiful outside and Jaxon loves to spend his time riding his bike or riding on his glider on the playground or playing in his sandbox. Kaelyn just does whatever big brother does.
I've let Kaelyn play in the sandbox, which she loves and she even had her first taste of dirt. She wasn't too sure about the grass.
We found a fun new playground about 25 minutes away. We don't mind the drive. We met some friends there and had so much fun. Kaelyn even learned to crawl up the stairs and enjoy the playground too.
We also met some friends at the children's museum and Kaelyn loved to push the grocery cart. I don't know what I'm going to do when she does start to take off. How am I supposed to be in 2 places at once?
Jaxon enjoyed going to our cabin with Brian and Brian's dad one Saturday. Brian can't wait to take him fishing there. Jaxon had a little accident so Brian is cleaning him off with a blower (not really)
Jaxon has been attached to Kaelyn's baby lately and loves to take care of it.
Jaxon's funny sayings....
J- Mommy do you have a wee wee?
M- No mommy is a girl
J- Does sweet pea have a wee wee
M-No sweet pea is a girl
J- Mommy we need to ask God for a wee wee for sweet pea so she can go potty
M- Oh jaxon look there is a tractor.
J-Where is the tractor?
M-its over there. I guess its a tractor maybe its a loader.
J- A loader doesn't mow the grass only a tractor does.
Kaelyn loves bike rides with her brother in the trailer
She loves to give hugs to her doll and seat in her seat and read next to her brother. For some reason she tends to climb up in his chair. Maybe its because its near the window
I got a great deal on a balance bike for Kaelyn to use when she's ready. But for now Jaxon is enjoying and is really good on it. We can't believe he figured it out so quickly.
On family walks, bike rides now, Brian has to ride his bike to keep up with Jaxon.
Jaxon loves his new toy at my inlaws house
He also loves the bouncy house we borrowed from our neighbors.
I can't believe Jaxon can still wear his clothes that he wore last year.
Kaelyn broke out in hives in January and again in March. We don't know whats causing them. I had just pulled into the church parking lot as I was talking to the doctors office. We were there for MOPS. Before I got the kids out of the car they told me that the doctor wanted to see her right away. I felt so bad because Jaxon was so excited to see his friends. I told him when we finished up at the doctors maybe we would have time to come back to church. Thankfully the doctors office pretty much saw us right away. The doctor confirmed it was hives and to continue on benadryl and zyrtec. We made it back at church just in time for snack time for Jaxon. We had 15-20 minutes left of MOPS. Jaxon was still sad he missed play time.
It's hard with 2 kids waiting at the doctors office so sometimes I have to bribe Jaxon. I decided he earned a trip to Chick fil a for lunch and to play in the play area after the morning we had.
We had a busy week ahead of us with something to do everyday. Kaelyn still continued to have issues and was still breaking out. We planned on going out of town for spring break to go to Jason, Anne, and Rivers. Thankfully the kids will be with my parents because I'm not ready to fly with 2 kids yet. My little girl needs to get well. Thankful my mom is a pediatric nurse and I know she is in good hands.
So excited our cousin is moving back to North Carolina
"God is great, God is good and many blessings Amen"
We have started to correct him when he says "whatever" because he says it in a disrespectful manner. He doesn't say it anymore, but he catches us when we say it. Of course he doesn't understand that its in a different that we say it. He says "I'll have to give you a pop"
We've also had a hard time getting Jaxon to listen. When Kaelyn was sick and woke up a couple times during the night, I didn't get much sleep. The next day I had a challenging day with Jaxon. I became very impatient and irritable.
For some reason Jaxon loves using "potty words" Maybe its him being silly and being a boy but we are working with him on that too.
We had a great Valentines weekend. First we dropped off the kids at Jaxon's new preschool from 6-9 9pm for a parent night out. We registered him for the fall but they still invited us to join in. Brian and I went out to dinner and ice cream. It was nice to have some time to our ourself. The kids had a great time and Jaxon keeps asking about preschool and about going back.
Saturday morning our Life Community got together and passed out Valentine cards at the nursing home and sang "Jesus Loves Me" to the residents. We had a great time and it seemed to brighten up their day.
Saturday afternoon Valentines weekend we took Jaxon to the circus. Before we left, Brian and Jaxon had to go run some errands and I stayed home with Kaelyn. When they returned I was on the phone with my aunt and Brian shows up with a dozen roses. How sweet right? Well we were repeating what had happened in 2009 when he took me out on our first date. We were going to the circus and he shows up to pick me up. I'm on the phone with my grandparents and I open the door and there he is with a bouquet of flowers and I'm on the phone, only this time I'm sure he's standing there really nervous and its a very awkward moment. How does this happen 2 times on Valentines weekend right before we were to leave for the circus.
We left Kaelyn at home napping and had a babysitter stay with her. She pretty much napped the whole time we were gone. So the babysitter had a pretty easy job. I didn't know how long Jaxon would last at the circus and if it would be too loud. But he loved it and was so intrigued by everything. We went for the preshow to see the animals. He's told us several times that he wants to go back to the circus.
Brian finally got the ATV working again and took Jaxon for a ride outside around the house. He loved it.
The first weekend in March we left for our long weekend at Mimmie and Pop Pop's house because Brian was going on a mens retreat with the church. The drive there was a bit of a challenge. Jaxon talked the whole time. Kaelyn slept for like 45 minutes. Jaxon did not take a nap. I did not get much extra sleep at their house because he's been waking up at 6:30 and its not even day light savings time. Jaxon ended up getting hand foot and mouth while we are there. Thankfully my mom is a nurse and diagnosed him. We had a great time. Pop Pop took us to a new park and Jaxon got a new haircut at the military base. He came back to the house saying, "I look mighty dapper." Jaxon found my old barbies and wanted to play with the girls, Jaxon loved pushing Kaelyn in the stroller on our walks outside, and he loved seeing Elmo at their house. Kaelyn loved having tea parties. My friend from high school had a new baby and I was able to visit with her. Jaxon loved finding some of my old toys and playing with them.
Jaxon said, "I miss my daddy" I said, I miss daddy too. Jaxon said, "No, he's my daddy"
Thankfully on the way back home they both slept and gave me like an hour of peace and quiet.
It was so nice outside on the way back we stopped at a rest stop and had a picnic lunch and Jaxon loved watching the trucks drive by on the highway or the ones parked at the rest stop. We made it home in 6 hours.
Our last night together
Picnic at the rest stop
Its been beautiful outside and Jaxon loves to spend his time riding his bike or riding on his glider on the playground or playing in his sandbox. Kaelyn just does whatever big brother does.
Splashing in the puddles
I've let Kaelyn play in the sandbox, which she loves and she even had her first taste of dirt. She wasn't too sure about the grass.
We found a fun new playground about 25 minutes away. We don't mind the drive. We met some friends there and had so much fun. Kaelyn even learned to crawl up the stairs and enjoy the playground too.
We also met some friends at the children's museum and Kaelyn loved to push the grocery cart. I don't know what I'm going to do when she does start to take off. How am I supposed to be in 2 places at once?
Jaxon enjoyed going to our cabin with Brian and Brian's dad one Saturday. Brian can't wait to take him fishing there. Jaxon had a little accident so Brian is cleaning him off with a blower (not really)
Jaxon has been attached to Kaelyn's baby lately and loves to take care of it.
Jaxon's funny sayings....
J- Mommy do you have a wee wee?
M- No mommy is a girl
J- Does sweet pea have a wee wee
M-No sweet pea is a girl
J- Mommy we need to ask God for a wee wee for sweet pea so she can go potty
M- Oh jaxon look there is a tractor.
J-Where is the tractor?
M-its over there. I guess its a tractor maybe its a loader.
J- A loader doesn't mow the grass only a tractor does.
Kaelyn loves bike rides with her brother in the trailer
She loves to give hugs to her doll and seat in her seat and read next to her brother. For some reason she tends to climb up in his chair. Maybe its because its near the window
I got a great deal on a balance bike for Kaelyn to use when she's ready. But for now Jaxon is enjoying and is really good on it. We can't believe he figured it out so quickly.
On family walks, bike rides now, Brian has to ride his bike to keep up with Jaxon.
Jaxon loves his new toy at my inlaws house
He also loves the bouncy house we borrowed from our neighbors.
I can't believe Jaxon can still wear his clothes that he wore last year.
Kaelyn broke out in hives in January and again in March. We don't know whats causing them. I had just pulled into the church parking lot as I was talking to the doctors office. We were there for MOPS. Before I got the kids out of the car they told me that the doctor wanted to see her right away. I felt so bad because Jaxon was so excited to see his friends. I told him when we finished up at the doctors maybe we would have time to come back to church. Thankfully the doctors office pretty much saw us right away. The doctor confirmed it was hives and to continue on benadryl and zyrtec. We made it back at church just in time for snack time for Jaxon. We had 15-20 minutes left of MOPS. Jaxon was still sad he missed play time.
It's hard with 2 kids waiting at the doctors office so sometimes I have to bribe Jaxon. I decided he earned a trip to Chick fil a for lunch and to play in the play area after the morning we had.
We had a busy week ahead of us with something to do everyday. Kaelyn still continued to have issues and was still breaking out. We planned on going out of town for spring break to go to Jason, Anne, and Rivers. Thankfully the kids will be with my parents because I'm not ready to fly with 2 kids yet. My little girl needs to get well. Thankful my mom is a pediatric nurse and I know she is in good hands.