my little helpers in the grocery store

Small group camping trip
ladies night at the red neck spa
Hadley loves to swim laying on her belly just need to make sure the swing is low enough to the ground

Lunch with Ava at her school
fun with friends at the indoor playground

bfast date with daddy

field trip with Kaelyn to the pumpkin patch
i'm thankful I could take Hadley too

our annual apple run

the kids enjoying the man at the park fix the water fountain

the kids enjoy sleeping together but they sometimes talk alot to each other at night. One night Kaelyn taught Hadley the Pledge of Allegiance
storytime and then the park

we tried out a new farm for a fall family fun day
Alpha and Omega
it was so much fun, lots of great photo opps

we scored free tickets to hear Chris Tomlin in concert at our church. It was so awesome

Wayne playing a game with Jaxon

Jaxon is learning alot and starting to have tests. He learned a song to help him remember the water cycle
making lots of applesauce, found a new gadget for our apples and recruited Jaxon to help.

lunch duty with the girls

I never know what silly things are going to come out of the girls mouths
"Whats the lady with blue hair?" Mrs. Donna. "oh yeah Mrs Donna is great with the verses, she knows all about Jesus"
Halloween- Kaelyn changed her mind a few minutes before we needed to head out
Our church had a trunk or treat

Chaperoning Jaxons field trip to camp weaver
Saying goodbye to our double bob. Kind of sad to be getting rid of it.
Halloween with neighbors
Science center with just 2. Kaelyn had school. Jaxon did not
Have school today
Hadley loves trains
Celebrating kaelyns birthday as a family over the weekend
We show daddy the new park we found with cool trails
Then Hadley throws up in the car. Brian takes the other 2 to finish celebrating. I take Hadley home to take care of her.
Dairio to eat
On her actual birthday she got to celebrate at school and she decided to bring in unicorn fruit snacks. How is she 5?
I made pink cupcakes and we went to chick fil a and Chuck E. Cheese for Kaelyns birthday.
Hadley loves to swing
And play with the school bus
The kids beg for prunes
Birthday party at reconsidered goods
Girls love being together
Family hike at Stone Mountain
Kaelyn is learning so much in school.
Thanksgiving program and Kaelyn is shy for the camera
Crazy hair for Awana
Making cookies for the firemen
Storytime at reconsidered goods with the older 2
Wizard of oz play field trip
The kids did really well at the car place while we waited.
Jaxon reading the paper
Annual pics. Took them with our tripod
Jaxon helps daddy change the breaks
Playing at church
Hadley waits with me at the tire place
Thanksgiving in Tennessee. The kids had fun being with their cousins.